
Building with Java

Java is one of the most versatile and widely used languages in the world. It is used everwhere in Mobile apps, games and IoT Devices which is why we love working with it.

Our Favourite Java Features

Performance Driven

Tools such as the Just-In-Time compiler help to optimise Java code during runtime, this not only optimises frequently used code paths but allows it to run at near native speeds.

Platform Independent

Code written in Java is complied into Bytecode which can be run on any device or machine by utilising a Java Vitrual Machine, this allows us to develop on any system and deploy anywhere.

Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 Scalable

As Java supports multi-threading, it enables us to write highly scalable and responsive applications, ranging from mobile apps to enterprise systems.

Object Oriented

Java is an object-oriented programming language, meaning it’s designed around the concept of “objects.” By utilising objects Java improves modularity, reuseability and scalability.

Hammer-and-wrench Security Features

Java incorporates features such as Bytecode Verification and cryptography APIs to keep code secure and safe throughout development and production.

The Benefits of Java

Backwards Compatability

Java ensures it has backwards compatability ensuring that previously written code still fucntions when it has beenn updated to the latest version.

Automatic Memory Management

Java’s built in Garbage Collector automates memory allocation and cleanup. This helps reduce memory leaks and issues and provides a more simplified development experience.

Hammer-and-wrench Frameworks and Tools

Coding in Java can be exteremley efficient due to it’s Intergrated Development Environments such as Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA.

Start Building With Java Today

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