IoT Consultancy & Build

Harness the Power of Connected Ecosystems

As an IoT Development and Consulting company, we leverage our IoT expertise to unlock smart, connected environments that improve how you collect, process and analyse data.

Our deep expertise spans hardware, embedded software, cloud deployment, and seamless integration with existing infrastructure – empowering uninterrupted connectivity.

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Our IoT Tech Stack

What IoT Can Achieve

Enhance Analytics

Our IoT proficiency enables the development of smart, connected environments that optimise efficiency through unified data flows and enhanced system interoperability.

Pragmatic Innovation

We seamlessly blend emerging technologies like IoT, AI and ML into practical solutions that drive real business impact. We leverage innovation to solve your challenges.


With our technology-agnostic approach, we free you from software lock-in. We objectively assess your needs and tailor the ideal tech stack – ensuring performance and scalability.

How We Help

Business and IoT Consultancy

We’ll help you plan for the future and implement IoT devices and data collection tools to support growth and enhance decision making ability.

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IoT Development

Seamless integration with existing enterprise systems and software with
support for a wide range of devices and platforms.

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Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011 IoT Device Provisioning

Easily access and deploy images to your device fleet through a secure responsive platform. No specialised hardware required.

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IoT Strategy Development

Strategic planning for IoT integration and digital transformation with a custom road-map design for IoT deployment and scalability.

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Hammer-and-wrench Connection & Security

Programmatically managed VPN-as-a-Service. No servers to manage, just use APIs to add users, with technical support to ensure continuous operation.

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Monitor Key Metrics

We help organisations monitor key metrics such as;

Temperature, Humidity and Moisture

Using IoT devices to monitor temperature and humidity ensures real-time environmental data collection and analysis for optimal conditions.

Position and Distance

Leveraging IoT devices for monitoring position and distance enables precise tracking and measurement capabilities across various applications and industries.

Energy Usage

Employing IoT devices for monitoring energy usage facilitates efficient resource management and enables insights into consumption patterns for sustainable practices.

Vibrations, Sound and Pressure Levels

Utilising IoT devices for measuring vibrations and sound provides data on structural integrity and environmental noise levels, enhancing safety and quality control measures.

Utilising IoT devices within the NHS

The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust (TRFT) has expanded its valuable and successful collaboration with The Curve. Their goal is to explore new and innovative ways to manage data more effectively and ensure real-time data is at the forefront of its decision making process.

Our approach involved using a series of IoT devices and systems to create a smart way in which data could be gathered remotely. This consisted of utilising a low-cost Single Board Computer (SBC) device fitted with a wide-angle camera lens which could be connected to a network and instructed to take photos of the room in question at intermittent periods throughout the day.

IoT Within Manufacturing

FourJaw has a clear vision of using big data to make Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining as efficient as mass manufacturing. FourJaw delivers data-driven manufacturing analytics that are accessible and affordable, providing tangible benefits to manufacturers’ bottom line and shop floors.

The Curve then began building and refining an application that presented the real-life data from the Manufacturing Execution system on a live dashboard that could be accessed from a mobile or desktop. This user-friendly application made it easy for manufacturing professionals to have quick access to help make tangible improvements to their operations.  

IoT devices for Green Initiatives

The Urban Flows Observatory works to understand how the physical (energy and material resources) metabolism of cities can be effectively measured, understood and utilised. The Observatory’s network of sensors comprises a range of sensing technologies ranging from cheap commodity devices through to expensive, specialized, high-end sensors.

The system became a key part of understanding the Urban Flows Observatory data, with the system (hosted in the cloud using AWS) ingesting over 90,000+ sensor readings a day from over 790+ individual IoT sensors.

Reach out to us today for a consultation