
Understanding HubSpot’s API and it’s uses

What is the HubSpot API? HubSpot provides a standard REST API as well as webhooks. The webhooks allow the custom integration to be notified of changes from HubSpot efficiently without the need for polling the API, whilst the API allows the integration to create, read and modify the data in HubSpot. Depending on what sort … Read more

The Curve recognised as a Yorkshire Tech Climber 2024

We were thrilled to attend and be recognised as one of Yorkshire’s Tech Climbers for 2024! Published with BusinessCloud and TechBlast Yorkshire Tech Climbers recognises and showcases the top-performing, IP-rich, product-led technology businesses from within the Yorkshire region. Entrants were judged on impact to industry problems and generating growth, as well as innovations that are … Read more

What are WebSockets, and Why Are They Essential for IoT?

Advances in IoT (The Internet of Things) technology has revolutionised the way devices interact with each other and with us. From smart homes to industrial automation, IoT devices rely on continuous, real-time communication to operate efficiently and effectively.  WebSockets, is a realtime communication protocol designed for full-duplex communication over a single TCP connection. WebSockets can … Read more

Understanding WebTransport and Its Advantages Over WebSockets in the IoT Landscape

As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to expand, the need for efficient, reliable, and scalable communication protocols becomes increasingly crucial. WebSockets have been a popular choice for real-time communication between devices and servers, but a new contender, WebTransport, is emerging as a powerful alternative. This blog post delves into what WebTransport is, how it … Read more

Tour de Curve – Challenge Completed!

This year, as part of The Curve’s charity fundraiser for Cavendish Cancer Care, Paul and Andrew decided to really push themselves and take on a serious challenge. The plan was for The Curve’s very own Saints, Paul and Andrew, to cycle the length of the country, starting at St. Paul’s in London and to finish … Read more

Understanding the Cold Start Problem with AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda and Azure Functions are popular Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) offerings and are a staple of the serverless landscape.  With FaaS offerings the cloud provider is responsible for running and managing the underlying compute that powers the service. This allows you to focus solely on building out your function. These serverless platforms automatically scale resources based … Read more

Melise Jones – Signing Off & Going Out on a High

Our Client Services Director, Melise Jones, reflects on her career – especially her time at The Curve. I wrote a blog about Women in Tech back in March, 2021. In it I stated: “Before Women in Tech there were, well, women in tech…I never thought there was anything special or remarkable about the fact that I … Read more

Story Points Explained – A Comprehensive Guide

Story points estimation is an estimation method that is often used in agile software development. Story points are a unit of measure used in agile project management to estimate and compare the complexity, effort, and relative size of features or user stories within a project. Instead of providing precise time-based estimates, teams assign story points collaboratively, … Read more

Approving Builds and Workflows with GitHub Actions and Microsoft Teams

Sometimes it can be useful to request a manual approval before a deploy is unleashed on production. GitHub supports manual approval when you use environments, but only on public repositories or private repositories for GitHub Enterprise. In this post, I look at how GitHub Actions and Microsoft Teams can be used to create a manual … Read more