Shopify Integrations for bespoke designs and orders

AALFY is a social enterprise in Sheffield who’s mission is to help long-term unemployed or economically inactive people to develop essential skills, and gain necessary work experience to improve their employment prospects.

The Curve developed a custom Shopify add-on that integrates seamlessly into their Shopify store. This bespoke tool empowers users to create unique designs directly on the platform, providing an intuitive interface that allows for easy customisation, ensuring that anyone—regardless of their abilities—can engage with the process. Once the design is complete, it can be submitted as part of an order, streamlining the production and fulfillment process.

Through this collaboration, we’ve helped AALFY expand their ability to engage with their audience, offering a unique and inclusive way to create meaningful connections through personalised products.

Project Results

Built in quote feature for bulk orders and special requests

Preview of the custom design with accurate detailing

Simple checkout system for the customised designs